Less Scrolling, More Action Accountability Thread 📲😎

Have you been scrolling more than normal?

Do you want to sometimes throw your phone across the room because of how glued it is to your hand?

Not being as PRODUCTIVE as you'd like?

Need a kick in the butt to get you back on track with your to-do list?

If that sounds like you, join me for a 30 day accountability text thread to help you get out of the rut you might be stuck in, and get you into action with simple accountability.

This is for those of you that know what you need to do you just need to do it or need help with just an accountability piece to get projects and daily to do's done. Spend 30 days with me to help you get re-focused. *If the group goes well, we might keep it open for 2-3 months!

How it will work:

  • On Voxer (similar to Whatsapp, just the messaging app I prefer)

  • Share a screenshot of your screen time at end of day

  • Share a screenshot of your to do list at end of day

  • PLUS throughout the month, I'll be offering M-F support with struggles related to productivity and procrastination


VIP option gets you:

    • 20 min check in call for Q&A once a week related to struggles with focus, productivity, and time management
    • Special group chat for VIP's
    • BONUS TRAINING VIDEO: time management, scheduling and focus 


$37.00 USD

A 3 day masterclass on understanding why we are addicted to our phones, how to break that habit, and create routines that actually stick 🥰 (pre-recorded)